NEW CONSIGNORS: Book your appointment here!
Consignments are accepted in the back of the store. There are 2 designated parking spaces available for consignors. We want this process to be painless. So, the FIRST TIME you come in, bring a maximum of 10 like-new, on-trend, seasonal, men's & women's pieces per week. After your appointment you can bring 15 items per week and there is NO appointment required for existing consignors. ALL Items must be freshly cleaned, odor free, & wrinkle-free, prior to dropping off. If needed, use a lint roller, de-pill sweaters, remove all pet hair, & check buttons & zippers! Neatly fold or hang items. (We have free hangers inside the back door!) No garbage bags, please.
Shoes: Buyers can be very picky about putting their feet in other people's shoes, so please clean your footwear thoroughly -- inside & out.
So, what season are we looking for? Seasonal items break down like this: SPRING ( February thru March ) SUMMER ( April thru July ) FALL ( August thru September ) WINTER (October thru January ) *Dates may be adjusted slightly to accommodate store needs. For example, we accept ski wear through February if it's a very snowy year.
Bring in the Bling! Déjà Vu consigns and buys jewelry. Jewelry will be Bought Out Right or Consigned to your account based on the price value of each piece. Consigned jewelry (priced at $30+) has a 6 month selling period with no mark down in price. Due to limited space, we have a maximum of 10 pieces of jewelry per week. Please ensure jewelry is in excellent shape, clean, untarnished and neatly packaged (no tangled pieces).
We’ll explain how the process works! We will look through your items and accept the items that meet Deja Vu’s high standards of quality. If your items don’t make the cut, it’s nothing personal, we are inspecting the clothes to determine if they can be sold, we are not judging you! We’ll either return unaccepted items to you or donate them for you - just let us know your preference. Deja Vu does not throw anything in the landfill.
How do we price items? We price your items based on brand, demand and condition. Once priced, you’ll receive an inventory list email showing which items were accepted. Since we receive hundreds of items per day, in can take 1-2 weeks to get an email from us. From there, it’s easy to check if your items have sold by logging in to the Consignor Portal on our website. The Portal will show you sold items and how much money is in your account! Your password is your email address. Easy!
What happens if something doesn't sell? After the selling period, unsold and unclaimed items become property of Deja Vu. The "Donation Rack" outside of the store consists of unsold items. All the money from items purchased from this rack will go to a different non-profit each month. You can always reclaim an item BEFORE the end of the selling period. There is a $1/item fee and we ask that you find your item(s) since you know what your items look like!
Your item sold -- Now what? When your item sells, we’ll credit your account. You can request a pay out any time or use your balance to shop in store since free shopping is always fun!! We can mail, Venmo, or PayPal your earnings for a $1 fee. Or, request a check when you are in the store. There is no fee for in-person checks and we issue them to you upon request. (Remember to see our consignor tips to make the most $$!)
VIP Consignor Sell more than $2000 in one year and you will get an increased commission and unlimited consignments! We determine VIP status every February 1st.
Sorry to say, but Deja Vu doesn't accept: Bridal wear • Kids clothing •WalMart or Shein brands or any unwashed, stinky, worn out, damaged, altered or shrunken clothing.
That’s all there is to it! Stop in today & start earning that cash!!
Current Consignment Hours:
12-5 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
We get very busy...please be kind.